Evolution is a scientific theory used by biologists. It explains how living things change over a long time, and how they have come to be the way they are. ... It is known that living things have changed over time, because their remains can be seen in the rocks. These remains are called 'fossils'.
Mitochondria produces energy rich ATP molecules.
Plants need soil in order to survive.
Living organisms beed water in order to survive
So the flowchart should go like this:
Mutation in the CFTR gene >>>>>> Production of defective CFTR protein >>>>>> defective CFTR protein in cell membrane or no protein at all >>>>>>> Impaired ion transport across the cells >>>>>>> Cells secrete less chloride >>>>>>> leads to more re-absorption of sodium and water into the cells >>>>>>> decreased hydration of mucus present outside the cells as more water is absorbed into the cells >>>>>>>> thick viscous mucus.
In a geologic instant, most of the world’s animal and plant species went extinct. Drilling through hundreds of meters of rock, investigators have finally reached the “footprint” left by the accused. That footprint marks Earth’s most notorious space rock impact. Known as Chicxulub (CHEEK-shuh-loob), it’s the dinosaur killer.