The study of EM is essential to understanding the properties of light, its propagation through tissue, scattering and absorption effects, and changes in the state of polarization. ... Since light travels much faster than sound, detection of the reflected EM radiation is performed with interferometry.
It could result in it not being good for your joints, as well as in the long run but shouldn't cause problems when your a child. I hope this helps your question!
I'm not really sure what specific answer they're looking for, but if it's an open-ended question, then let's think about it this way...
A light year, is the distance it takes for light to travel in a year. If an object is 50,000 light years away, then by the time the light travels to us, 50,000 years has passed. We are looking at a 50,000 year old image of that object. (ignoring gravity and spatial expansion fun stuffs)