The classification is in this order: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus Species.
The kingdom is the largest group, it contains the largest number of organisms who are the least related.
The species is the smallest group, it contains the least number of organisms who are closely related.
As you go down, from "Kingdom", species become more closely related.
So species in the same family are MORE closely related than species in the same class.
Cytokinesis occurs in D M
Red blood cells and blood plasma do not contain DNA. Red blood cells don't have the DNA containing nucleus and mitochondria. Only white blood cells in blood contain DNA. With blood donation, usually most of the white blood cells are filtered out.
because red blood cells don't have the DNA containing nucleus and mitochondria
it is unclean
fish that have non-shedding, non-overlapping, diamond-patterned, or imbedded scales should be considered unclean.
It helps make protiens and is like a blueprint for your body.