A common mistake when evaluating and documenting skill sets would be: confusing activities with accomplishments.
When evaluating and documenting skill sets it is a common mistake that people confuse activities wiht accomplishments. One thing is what a person does, like all the activities she preformes in it´s job, or life itself. By the other hand there is what a person has accomplished in his or his life, it can be of course a high position she expected, or a degree obtained. This two differences are often cofused.
It is the "Looking-Glass Self", a term coined by Charles Cooley that explains the importance of our perceptions of how other people perceive us. According to his theory, we cannot form a personal identity without interacting with others. The Looking Glass Self is simply the interactive process of seeing ourselves based on how other view us.
A couple comprises of two people from different backgrounds and upbringing which have a connection and decide to stay together. Different conflicts may arise which may be due to financial constraint, emotional issues etc.
Step 1: The source of the conflict should be looked into so that it can be tackled effectively.
Step 2: It is always good to ignore the incident and not blow them out of proportion.
Step 3: It is good to seek for solutions from experts.
Step 4: It is good to know the suitable solutions both parties can adopt.
Step 5: Agreeing to end and forgive each other is also key too.
Fall of the Communist idoelogy