The first day of school is the hardest. An example would be a child's first day. Going to school on their first day can get real troublesome
for most of the children since they are not used to be separated with their parents. This
will become their first big step into the world beyond the confines of your
home. That is why, getting prepared for the first day of school of the child
can help minimize the parents' anxiety. Here are the tips:
1. Get
sure that you have everything they need for their first day such as deciding on
what food must be inside their lunchbox or what clothes they should be wearing.
2. Talk
to them what to expect in class.
the child what are the rules inside their classroom and what not and not to do
when inside the class. Make them feel at ease by telling them that the teacher
can help and that the parents' are always there at the end of their day.
3. Become
familiar with the school.
You should practice
the journey together to school and talk about the things that they will be
doing to help them become emotionally prepared.
The author is giving the "sweet smell" the quality of flying.
i think...
"It is important for a person to be prepared before you adopt a pet"? Not sure if this is a spelling question or a grammar question with typos. If it was a grammatical one I would replace "you" with "they".
The reversed word that Shakespeare uses in “Romeo and Juliet” are “upfill,” “nightall,” and “rightall.”
Shakespeare uses the technique of reversing the word order in his dialogues of the characters. He did this as it was easier to rhyme the verbs than the nouns which gave his plays a different rhythm and tone. He had used this technique mainly in his play “Romeo and Juliet” to create a comic relief throughout the play.