do you mind if I use this for points :) thank you
Endorphins are brain chemicals
known as neurotransmitters which are released when the body feels a certain
amount of stress and pain. Endorphins alter the communication of pain in the
body by interacting with the opiate receptors and blocking the synapse so that signals
cannot be sent to the brain in order to reduce an individual perception of pain.
Reducir las actividades humanas.
Reducir el uso de combustibles fósiles, el uso de vehículos que funcionen con electricidad y plantar más plantas y árboles son las acciones que propondría para ayudar a que la biosfera y sus ciclos no se vean afectados. La biosfera se ve muy afectada debido a las actividades humanas, por lo que para conservar la biosfera y mantener su ciclo, tenemos que reducir las actividades humanas que causan más daños a la biosfera.
Answer: net primary productivity is the amount of energy lost through respiration by producers SUBTRACTED From the gross primary productivity of an ecosystem
Answer: True
Dysmenorrhea can be define as a condition in which pain occurs during menstrual cramps, that is due to uterine contractions.
Primary dysmenorrhea can be define as commonly occurring menstrual cramps. The secondary dysmenorrhea results from a disorder and pain in the reproductive organs.