Dangerous conditions influencing sport injuries include all answers which you've mentioned (overuse, overexertion, and incorrect technique). It doesn't, however, include practicing and drills - d.
Practicing and drills is the thing which would help us become more profficient at a certain task and eventually sport through it.
1. Tricare Prime is cheaper than Tricare Extra;2. Tricare Prime beneficiaries can only use Military Treatment Facility,
whileTricare Extra beneficiaries can use any civilian healthcare provider
payable under Tricare rules;
3. Beneficiaries (retirees) of Tricare Prime have to pay a small co payment
for while Tricare Extra (retirees) do not.
4. There is an annual enrollment fees for military retirees in Tricare Prime,
but there is no annual enrollment fees for Tricare Extra;
5. Tricare Prime is a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) while Tricare
Extra represents a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO);