Representation - The process of describing or symbolizing
Connotation - symbolic meaning
Narrative - The process of telling a story
I used to have a teacher who said this as well. The best way to understand would be to show examples of how to specify such terms as “stuff” and “things”. For instance: “The birds have lots of stuff.” That was not clear because the reader does not know what the “stuff” is. Instead, the text could be changed to: “The birds have lots of feathers.” Now the reader knows what the stuff is because it has been replaced with a more specific word. If you go over multiple examples in your head, it will become easier to comprehend and you will get used to doing it.
Use a colon to introduce an item or list, if the list comes after a complete sentence or independent clause. For example: There are three things every dog needs: food, water and healthcare. You need to grab these three things for the laundry: laundry detergent, fabric softener and dryer sheets.
I just got done reading the book. Do you want me to tell you the ending?