I wouldnt pick my answer as the first, but i would say Checking Account
Thanks to the internet, each person with marginal views can see that he’s not alone. And when these people find one another via social media, they can do things — create memes, publications and entire online worlds that bolster their worldview, and then break into the mainstream.
Without social media, social, ethical, environmental and political ills would have minimal visibility. Increased visibility of issues has shifted the balance of power from the hands of a few to the masses.
carters recovery of the body
Dutch researcher Geert Hofstede identified four cultural dimensions by studying data on IBM employees from dozens of countries.
The original theory has four dimensions along which cultural values identified as:
- individualism-collectivism
- uncertainty avoidance
- power distance in social hierarchy
- masculinity-femininity
Hofstede's theory is used to understand the differences in cultures round the globe. He started this model on the basis of dissimilarities in values and beliefs relating work goals. The aim of this model was to determine the dimensions in which cultures vary from each other . It is important because it gives useful information regarding variances between countries' culture, values and beliefs and how to manage such cultural differences".
To learn more about Hofstede's Theory,