Path dependency.
Path dependency gives us an idea about why a product is still used, taking into account the user's preferences through the passing of time. It is possible for a company to keep choosing a product for its effectiveness no matter if innovative options appear. This is commonly related to how expensive it would be to create a new option instead of still using the current one.
b. The self we present to others.
According to Irving Goffman, people behave differently in their private and their public lives. The "front stage self" refers to the personality and actions that a person engages in when he knows that others are looking. The specific behaviour people follow arises in various ways, including internalized ideas of the self and cultural norms. Such a behaviour can be either habitual or subconscious.
When a group of people gather for common practice, activities and interests, they are make up society. Such people start to exchange experiences and views on interests, activities and practices, they can associate, work on, improve and create a community of common interests and preferences. When society's development over common interests reaches a high level, then a highly developed society, which in this way leaves a certain significance and trace in history, is a civilization.
Answer: <u>Assembling perpective</u> is a system for understanding collective behavior that credited individuals in crowds as rational beings. This theory refocuses attention from collective behavior to collective action, which is based on a shared interest.
Assembling perspective is briefly explained above.
Answer: B, (embargo)
The Embargo Act of 1807 was an attempt by President Thomas Jefferson and the U.S. Congress to prohibit American ships from trading in foreign ports. It was intended to punish Britain and France for interfering with American trade while the two major European powers were at war with each other.