Answer is explained in the explanation section below.
Voluntary Turnover:
Better Job: If an employee is offered a better job, he may choose to quit his current position.
Careers: If an employee is career-oriented and wishes to pursue higher education, he will willingly leave his employment.
Retirement: When an employee reaches the legal working age, he retires, which is referred to as voluntary retirement.
Involuntary Turnover:
Workplace Violence: An employer may decide to fire an employee who engages in workplace violence. This is what is known as spontaneous turnover.
Violating: If an employee is found to be in breach of the company's rules, he will be dismissed, resulting in involuntary turnover.
Employee layoffs: Forced turnover occurs when a company's employees are laid off in large numbers.
Employment at-will doctrine:
For some reason: This allows the employer to fire an employee for any cause.
Promise: Neither the employer nor the employee has made any commitments to each other.
Refusing to state the reason for the employee's termination: If the employer refuses to state the reason for the employee's termination,