You can not communicate directly between Angular and MySQL. You'll need to build a back-end Web service that calls MySql using php or node. Angular can communicate with this back-end Web service via http.
sentence = "hello wow a stores good"
same_letter_count = 0
sentence_list = sentence.split()
for s in sentence_list:
if s[0] == s[-1]:
same_letter_count += 1
*The code is in Python.
Initialize the sentence with a string
Initialize the same_letter_count as 0
Split the sentence using split method and set it to the sentence_list
Create a for loop that iterates through the sentence_list. If the first and last of the letters of a string are same, increment the same_letter_count by 1
When the loop is done, print the same_letter_count
download it
because if u upload it will not save .
A. Database Management System
A Database Management System or DBMS is a set of programs that allow the DB administrator to the information extraction, storage and modification out of a database. It also provides tools to add, erase, modify or even analyze the data within the DB. Some examples of DBMS are MySQL, mongo DB, Ms SQL Server, etc.
the main component of Windows when you start your computer are the desktop, my computer, recycle bin , start button, Taskbar and shortcuts to application after opening an application you will also have a Windows with an active application which will appear in your desktop and taskbar.