A quadrilateral because you just reverse the question.
Positive: Decimals are a part of a whole just like fractions are a part of a whole. Therefore, a positive decimal is always greater than a negative decimal.
Negative: When you have two negative decimals, the one closer to zero is always greater. The farther a negative decimal is from zero, the smaller its value.
All of it put together (same text as above):
Decimals are a part of a whole just like fractions are a part of a whole. Therefore, a positive decimal is ALWAYS greater than a negative decimal. When you have two negative decimals, the one closer to zero is always greater. The farther a negative decimal is from zero, the smaller its value.
<span>Percentage problems are simple division problems. Here, what percentage of x is y means the answer is y divided by x (times 100). Let's apply it to this question.
Divide 72.6 by 88, 72.6/88. So the answer would be 0.825 then multiply it to 100 to make it a whole. The answer would 82.5%. I hope this helps you with your problem</span>
Step-by-step explanation:
The lines stand for absolute value ( how far a number is from 0), so each number should be a positive, then you just solve for x. Isolate x, then divide on both sides, and you should get -x=1, which is equal to x=-1.