DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid) is the molecule that contains the genetic code of organisms DNA is it still an organisms it helps make proteins for your body
The gene is a basic physical unit of inheritance. It is past of my parents as treats jeans are arranged in one after another on structures called chromosomes.
The definition of chromosomes is a thread like structure of DNA that carries genes. TheX or Y gene that determines whether you will be a boy or a girl is an example of chromosomes.
Pro Tien is one of the three main classes of food. Proteins are made of amino acid, which function as a cells “ building blocks” protein is found in many foods and it helps you grow and to mend themselves.
Heredity refers to genetic heritage passed down by our biological parents. It’s why we look more like them, it’s the transmission of traits from one generation to the next, this means the traits are physical as in like how your blood is you can get certain diseases passed down from family or your hair or eye color or tallness and shortness really anything.
A trait is a specific characteristics of an organism the genetic contribution to a trait is called the genotype.
HIV crossed from chimps to humans in the 1920s in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo. This was probably as a result of chimps carrying the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV), a virus closely related to HIV, being hunted and eaten by people living in the area