Urbanization can be defined as the development of a place or region into an urban area. According to history Urbanization has its root at first in Europe continent before spreading to America and the time in which the world record more urbanization was during the period known as greco-roman period.
Because of railways and the presence of iron ores boosted the urbanization in the United States of America.
Building a public library can keep a community connected because a lot of people can go there and when they are there they talk to each other
Iron ore. It is used to create steel, and of the top three iron ore companies in the world two are in Australia.
he ability to fight back with courage, determination, and skill whenever someone challenged the right of a black man to play baseball for the Brooklyn Dodgers.
Branch Rickey was a baseball executive known for his groundbreaking 1945 decision to bring Jackie Robinson into the major leagues, thereby breaking the color barrier. Branch Rickey signed Jackie Robinson for this.
In 1945, baseball policies separating black and white players changed forever when Brooklyn Dodgers general manager Branch Rickey signed a contract with Jackie Robinson that would bring him into the major leagues. Jackie Robinson was an excellent athlete.
China is not located in the middle east, it is located in East Asia.