If you add energy to water , you increase the temperature of water. This is why when you add so much heat to water, it will boil and become gas, as gases have more energy than liquids do, and liquids have more energy than solids do.
One deals with electrons while the other protons.
The Olympic sport of curling is one that is practically designed to show Physics in motion. Curling is a sport in which two teams alternate sliding smoothed stone pucks down an ice rink court with the intent to seat their stone closest to the center of the target (called the house). Each team has eight stones, meaning that the team that goes second has the (could be) massive advantage of sending the last stone.
The mass of the stone is important in that the more massive a stone (m) and the speed at which it travels (v) dictates it's momentum (momentum=mxv). As the curling stone slides down the ice (which is relatively frictionless unless acted upon by other players or objects) and having inertia, continues in it's straight course (again, unless acted upon by outside forces). If the stone hits another stone, it transfers some of its momentum in an elastic collision to that stone and the original stone is deflected in a calculable manner.
Collisions are used in the game to either clear opponent's stones from the house or out of their defensive positions, or to make adjustments to one's stones present in the house, all based on the momentum of the moving stone, and its transference.
Scientists measured a drop in the average global temperature of about 1 degree F (0.6 degrees C).
The balanced reaction is given by,
The reaction is as given.
Lets count the number of each elements in the reaction.
<em>In reactant side, number of sodium atoms are 1 , lead are 1, nitrogen are 1 and oxygen are 4.</em>
<em>in product side, number of sodium atoms are 2 , lead are 1 , nitrogen are 2 and oxygen are 7.</em>
<em>So we need to balance sodium and oxygen atoms in the reaction.</em>
<em>There is deficient of sodium and oxygen atoms on reactant side</em>.
Thus, multiply (NaNO3) by 2.
<em>Thus, sodium atoms become 2 , nitrogen 2 and oxygen 6. Total 7 oxygen atoms.</em>
Thus, the balanced reaction is,