There are 4people in a room, and we are curious whether two of them have theirbirthday in the same month. We record the quadrupl
ethat describes the month ofbirthday for each person. E.g. (Oct, Jan, Jul, Apr) is one possible quadruple /outcome.(Since each month applies to a specific person, (Oct, Jan, Jul, Apr) is not the same as(Jan, Jul, Oct, Apr) and so order is important). a. How many possible outcomes are there?
b. In how many of these outcomes, all four people have their birthday indifferent months?
c. In how many of these outcomes, at least two people have their birthday in the same month?
Oh yes I think they have the right size but not sure how much I would do lol but they look nice lol but I’m gonna do that .. but yes yes lol yes yes that’s good for him and jhoels