Theft??? that's another word for robbery
if its a robbery, then they might have stolen something, but i don't get the dangerous weapon thing, i mean every crime that has committed had to have a dangerous weapon, right??... we simply need for information
The most number of settlements of Greek people were in Anatolia. It was chosen because it was a strategic position.
Anatolia was the most populous Greek region that was not a part of the mainland.
It is right across the Mediterranean sea, to the eastern side of the Greek mainland. It is the region which is known as Turkey.
This land was suitable for settlement as it is in current from the Greek shore so it is easier to navigate from there.
These settlements eventually developed into huge trading cities as they stood on a strategic psoition in contact with Greece and the whole Mediterranean as well as the fertile crescent in Asia.
The person who is honest to his work and who has strong moral principles and he follows those principles without failure.
Integrity, simply stated, is the ability to be fair in all situations. A person with integrity has strong moral values and ethics. Integrity forces a person to follow his values of honesty, loyalty and truth. Integrity also means to be complete and undivided, in both the physical and the mental stage.
When your values change from situation to situation, your integrity is lacking. A person who is having integrity is said as <em>that person who would do nothing that humiliate others.
Capitalism fueled global tradie relations