The monthly payment under standard repayment is typically about 1.0% to 1.3% of the total loan balance when the loan entered repayment. So, inthe situation, we assumed that he took $30,000 student loan, it is expeceted that he would pay back 1% of the loan amount monthly (aprrox. $300).
<em>The payment does not seem reasonable due to the fact that the amount she earns as salary is low and would not allow her to meet her other personal needs.</em>
source traits
This theory of personality factors and the self-report instrument used to measure them are known respectively as the 16 personalityfactor model and the 16PF Questionnaire (16PF).
give more details, the same was happening to me a few weeks ago.
Secondary reinforcers
A secondary reinforcer is a type of stimulus or situation that functions as a reinforcer because it has been paired with another stimulus that also functions as a reinforcer. In this case, the reinforcer is the good grade. In turn, the secondary reinforcers are the praise and the money, both of which seem to be effective with Curtis.
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