1. B, 2. B, 3. B..............
C. Primaria
Una fuente primaria se refiere a la información obtenida de una observación de primera mano de una cosa.
Cuando se observa directamente a los miembros de una especie, se recopila información más confiable. Dado que esta información se recopila a través de una observación directa de primera mano y un censo de las especies involucradas, la fuente de información se obtiene de una fuente primaria.
feeling better mentally – regular exercise can lift your mood and help you feel better.
saving money – eating junk food, smoking, and drinking sugary drinks or alcohol are all expensive habits.
You have to be 18 years old.
The following statement about soil formation are true:
1. The composition of soil depend largely on the composition of the parent rock.
2. Strong roots of shrubs and trees hold on to soil and protect it from erosion.
3. Soil formed from local rock is residual soil and soil formed from distant rock is transported soil.
Soil are typically formed from rocks. The nature of the soil depend on the type of rock from which the soil was formed. It takes a long time for a soil to be formed from a parent rock. Erosion is the process that carries the surface soil away, but the root of shrub and trees usually prevent this by holding on to the soil particles.