B. prior DUI convictions
Florida's progressive DUI laws take prior DUI convictions into account.
Go With the Traffic Flow. ...
Obey All Traffic Laws. ...
Yield to Traffic When Appropriate. ...
Be Predictable. ...
Stay Alert at All Times. ...
Look Before Turning.
Alimony takes into account, number of years of marriage, assets owned by each spouse, debt of either party, each party's contribution to the relationship and mental and physical health of spouse. It doesn't take into account the extra-marital affairs etc.
A firm is a price taker BECAUSE other firms can dive into the market with ease and manufacture a product that is not so different from every other firm's product. With this, it will not be easy for any firm to set their own prices.
Explanation: A trade that do not affect the price of a commodity if he or she buys or sells shares is called a PRICE TAKER.
Firms in perfectly competition market are price takers because as soon as the equilibrium price is set for a commodity, firms must accept.
Agriculture is an example of a perfect competition since each farmers have no control on the market price .
Also, financial assets like stocks and bonds is a good example too