Information Support and Services
She works helping people setting up their accounts so she supports with information from her services
select style_name, as brewery,count(beer_id) as Num
from beerdb.beers be
inner join beerdb.styles st
on be.style_id = st.style_id
join beerdb.breweries br on
be.brewery_id = br.brewery_id
group by style_name ,
having count(beer_id)>=10
order by style_name, num desc
<u>Advantages of wireless communication:-</u>
- Flexibility in transferring the message through communication for which the sender and receiver can be in any place.
- Speed of the communication is accurate and fast
- Due to no wiring , the cost of the wireless communication is less.
<u>Disadvantages of wireless communication:-</u>
- The security is less as the data can be accessed by unauthorized sources at times.
- The setting up of wireless communication complex and expensive.
<u>Advantages of wired communication:-</u>
- Simple configuration
- Higher bandwidth is present in the cable
- High reliability
<u>Disadvantages of wired communication:-</u>
- Mobility is present for communication
- Installation requires lot of time due to cabling
- Requires extra devices for covering large areas for communication
Wireless communication is more preferable than wired communication in the conditions like communication connection that should face low damage and longer life which is not present in cable connection as they break or get disrupted.The flexibility of moving while communication is required by most people so, they use wireless communication .