C. there is an equal amount of day and night everywhere on earth.
in the epicenter
In a Venn Diagram that compares and contrasts the different characteristics or features of the produced plants, "cloning" would be in the epicenter. This is because through the process of "cloning" you are basically copying the core genetic makeup of the plant and creating a brand new plant that shares all of the exact same characteristics and features as the plant's whose genetic makeup was used as a baseline.
Humans burn fossil fuels, clear trees, change land use, creating smog that traps the carbon in the Earth's atmosphere, leading the oceans to absorb the heat and eventually end up with global warming and ocean acidification.
Good luck <3
Because of the difference in surface area to volume ratio
Surface are to volume ratio is the area of an object that is exposed to the external environment (surface area), compared to the amount within an object (volume).
Therefore an elephant has a lower surface area to volume ratio than a mouse.
The smaller an object is the greater its surface area to volume ratio.
Small animals have much more surface area per mass than large animals. With so much surface area, they lose heat very quickly. So, a mouse, with a lot of surface area per mass, must spend a lot more energy to stay warm than a large animal.