C. Both sides have enough bombs to destroy each other many times over
But United states beat them when making first nuke
Popular culture accepts violence and oppression of women, along with macho attitudes in vampire films ... Alison Happel and Jennifer Esposito analyze in their book, such as the role of women, vampires, and the sexualization of female characters, as well as aspects of feminism and machismo, can be found in the movie Twilight, from the novel by Stephanie Meyer. The writer of Twilight, tries to create a strong feminine character that takes care of itself, but she fails, and in the end the protagonist is submissive with the masculine personage; according to her analysis, the novel and the film instead of empowering the woman with her character, promotes domestic violence and makes it seem desirable and attractive, which becomes a problem in popular culture.
A: private companies operating without government interferance.
A market economy is characterized by private ownership, freedom of choice, self-interest, optimized buying and selling platforms, competition, and limited government intervention.
Two factors that made diseases from Europe worse than diseases from America was the cleanliness and hygiene. When colonization occurred, the individuals who came along the journey had brought diseases along with them. And it was not just them who had brought it, but it was also contained in the food and things they brought as well.
Answer: b) preconscious
Explanation: Preconscious are the thoughts which are unconscious at the particular moment in question(being that shes talking to her friend at the time), but which are not repressed and are therefore available for recall and easily capable of becoming conscious.