In order to solve this problem, we should first make all of the fractions have common denominators. To do so we can turn the 1/2s into 2/4 which both equal 0.5 or 50%. Now we simply need to add together the pieces of quilt that she has and subtract that value from the total that she needs in order to calculate the amount of quilt that she is missing.
10 - (2 + 4) = x
10 - 6 = x
3 = x
Finally, we can see that Rebecca needs a total of 3 yards of fabric to finish her quilt.
Do your sum which is $329.69 subtract $59.63 then if the unit is 4 or less round your answer to the nearest ten eg, 103 would be rounded to 100. If the unit is 5 and above you would round your answer up eg, 437 would be rounded to 440.