Fungi cells are usually diploid not sure ...
Synathropic is the term which is used to describe fly species which exploit foods and habitat created by agriculture and other human activities. They are considered as pest and also as vectors to diseases which live near human and benefit from human and their dwelling.
Answer below
Well when natural selection occurs, genes that don't benefit the speicies, or more accurately, harm it by ruining camoflague. Natural selection can result in one creature evolving into 3 different species when those creatures get put into different environments that promote genetic mutations that help them survive. After a long while of genetic mutations coming and going to adapt to their environment, those three members of the species are no longer the same species because they've all adapted to different environments.
D- Iron
~+lil more info!+~
Iron is the ultimate nuclear “ash,” from which no nuclear energy can be extracted.
Scientists collect information that allows them to make evolutionary connections between organisms. Similar to detective work, scientists must use evidence to uncover the facts. In the case of phylogeny, evolutionary investigations focus on two types of evidence: morphologic (form and function) and genetic.