The prisoners dilemma is a sort of dilemma relevant to the game theory and depicting the players paradox in decision analysis. It explains that players in protecting themselves may not come up with optimal decision since there was no cooperation among them. In other words, players in the bid to make rational choices in their self interest might end up harming themselves as a result of lack of cooperation.
Because she is stuck in the costume.
The problem is that "Cupid" is now lost (thought to have been destroyed in 1698 in a fire on London), so we only know about the characteristics of Cupid from stories. It is said to have been treated with acidic earth with Michaelangelo at the time, to make it appear older. The cupid was sleeping on a bed-like structure.
Plessy v. Ferguson
The Plessy v. Ferguson case happened in 1896. The decision from this case effectively started the Racial Segregation in United States. During the segregation, the government separated the public infrastructures into two: Those who can be used by white citizens only and those who can be used by black citizens only. This infrastructures cover all facilities ranging from Schools, Public Transportation, public bathrooms, etc.
But, the facilities provided for the Black citizens tend to be lower in quality compared to the facilities provided for white citizens. This led to a deeper problem for the Black community. For example, Due to the low quality of schools for black citizens, they produce a generation of graduates who has lesser chance to obtain high paying jobs. This prevented the black community to advance in society.