Mount Vesuvius
Mount Vesuvius, the volcano located to the northwest of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, has erupted many times throughout recorded history. ... That eruption also destroyed the cities of Herculaneum, Stabiae, Torre Annunziata, and other nearby communities.
Jews of the first century had the greatest and most widespread expectation of a <u>Davidic Messiah</u>; Jews anticipate a David-lineage king who will rule Israel with righteousness and justice in the end times. And most likely the one they yearned for, who had the strength to drive away their adversaries.
As a traditional messianic title referring to the Messiah's lineage from David, "Son of David" refers to the greatest king of Israel. Many Jews in ancient Israel did not accept Jesus as the promised Messiah.
However, since the messianic figures ranged from king to priest to prophet, messianic expectations varied from one group to another. Some came to believe that the Messiah was a supernatural being.
Figure out how Jews and Christians are different in regards to messianic thought:
Its a significant American event because of the rarity of a president being impeached. There have only been 2 impeached in History(3 if you count Richard Nixon but he resigned during Impeachment Trials)
a person cannot be jailed unless charged with a specific crime. - D)