They basically want you to write a newsletter over Africa's water drying up, lose of vegetation and their wildlife dying (poaching). They want you to go in-depth about how the climate changing and the things that they do in their everyday life are affecting their living structure!
It's possible.
If the recently formed metamorphic rock keeps on warming, it can ultimately soften and become molten (magma). At the point when the liquid stone cools it frames a molten rock, which is igneous. Metamorphic rocks can form from either sedimentary or volcanic/igneous rocks.
Stem cells are what allow planaria to grow and regenerate as the stem cells can change into any of the cells that make up the planaria.
(4) organic catalysts
The job of catalysts in chemical reactions is to make the reaction go faster by lowering the amount of energy needed to activate the reaction. If less energy is needed for the reaction to occur, then the reaction can go faster because a large energy build-up is not needed.
When CO2 is breathed into the lungs, it dissolves in the water there, diffuses across the alveolar-capillary membrane, and enters the bloodstream. As it combines with water, it forms carbonic acid, making the blood acidic. So CO2 in the bloodstream lowers the blood pH.