Make sure you know the male doesn't have STDs, don't leave a tampon in for over 8 hours, be clean and wash up daily, and don't practice sexual behavior if you have a Urinary tract infection, to cure UTIs drink cranberry juice and lots of water until infection is flushed out.
There are many ways to prevent diseases of the female reproductive system. The one that offers sure protection is "abstinence" or not having any sexual intercourse at all. However, if one is sexually active, it is important to use protection against<em> "sexually transmitted infections" </em>such as<em> using condoms (women may bring this along as well).</em> It is also better to have only one sexual partner who is free from infections in order to prevent getting infected or having reinfection. Another way is to <em>get vaccinated</em>. Women have the option to get HPV vaccination to <em>prevent getting cervical cancers in the future</em>. This can also be prevented by having a Pap Test every <em>3 years.</em>
"Plain folks" is a form of propaganda and a logical fallacy. A plain folks argument is one in which the speaker presents him or herself as an average Joe — a common person who can understand and empathize with a listener's concerns.