Something like a hard drive.
UPDATE acctmanager WHERE amid = 'J500';
The statement written above is not valid SQL statement because there is no SET after UPDATE. Update is always used with SET.If you are updating something then you need to specify the value with which that value should be replaced.
UPDATE acctmanager SET amname = UPPER(amname);
This statement does not contains WHERE clause but it will run all the values of amname column will get updated in the table acctmanager.
b.Make every attempt to recover the data
If you have important data on your hard drive that is not backed up and your Windows installation is so corrupted you know that you must refresh the entire installation you should make every attempt to recover the data.
I do tech and i help work on computars.
Type "ifconfig" at the terminal prompt, then press the "Enter" key. The IP address is labeled as "inet addr." The subnet is labeled as "Mask."
step 2
Type "netstat -r" at the command prompt, then press the "Enter" key to view the gateway address.