import datetime
user = input("Enter date in yyyy,m,d: ").split(",")
int_date = tuple([int(x) for x in user])
year, month, day =int_date
mydate = datetime.datetime(year, month, day)
x = mydate.strftime("%B %d, %Y was a %A")
The datetime python module is used to create date and time objects which makes it easy working with date-time values. The user input is converted to a tuple of integer items, then they are converted to date time objects and parsed to string with the strftime method.
The relational operator used would probably be <=
<span>Jun 15, 2011 - Multiplication and division can be achieved using bit operators, for example .... I discovered pretty much the same thing for Sun CC close to 20 years ago. ... Just to add a rough estimation: On a typical 16-Bit processor ..... Doing it yourself willaffect readability and possibly have no effect on performance.</span><span>
Signal strength and SNR
The signal strength and SNR are two important values to record during the manual site survey process. Signal loss and propagation loss have different effects, and packet retries are more of an issue with dynamic rate selection.