A) slow down
The more alcohol you consume, the more you are damaging and impairing the way your bodily functions can function properly.
Yes, health professionals play a key role in the well-being of the maternal relationship, especially when it comes to first-time mothers. In particular, breastfeeding is the strongest link between mother and child, so it is of paramount importance for professionals to teach and stimulate breastfeeding skills and techniques to make this time comfortable and humane.
Part of mental heath is how well your mind processes and understands information and experiences. In contrast, emotional health involves your ability to manage and express the emotions that arise from what you've got learned and experienced.
They have that bottle by the sink which i dangerous, something is burning on the stove and no one is paying attention, the knife is on the edge of the sink, & theres something on the floor and someone could slip and fall
Physical science, the systematic study of the inorganic world, as distinct from the study of the organic world, which is the province of biological science. Physical science is ordinarily thought of as consisting of four broad areas: astronomy, physics, chemistry, and the Earth sciences. Each of these is in turn divided into fields and subfields. This article discusses the historical development—with due attention to the scope, principal concerns, and methods—of the first three of these areas. The Earth sciences are discussed in a separate article. #answerwithquality #BAL