Could you be more specific; try explaining what Activity 1 was?
The lottery is run at the state level of government. The lottery is determined on the laws of each jurisdiction or state. The state level of government determines the educational policy, even though there are federal laws for education that must be met (i.e. IDEA 2004).
Answer: The country would start to fall, but then would attempt to make, grow, and produce all of their own goods.
If all of a sudden all of the trade in the world stopped there would be so many items lost due to this seeing as we rely on other stations around the world. If the trade just stopped the governement would have to rationalize the food, and oil usage until they could correctly make and drill all the products for themselves.
In order to be a visionary leader, I would need to have an understanding of how my country could improve. I would need to have foresight and the ability to see ways to solve my country’s problems. I would need to see a way out of the country’s struggles. Next, I would need to communicate this to my country’s citizens. I would need to show them how they could accomplish these goals and help them understand what their future could be.
Answer:Labeling theory
Labeling theory states that people become what we call them,this means a person may start to behave or identity with the names that has been used to label them. It relate to a self-fulfilling prophecy in which whta people believe about someone actual end up becoming true. Labeling theory believes that deviance behavior bdoesjtbkust happen but it is driven by negative label given to the minority group by the majority group.