They carry blood which is low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide into your lungs so that the carbon dioxide can be blown off, and more oxygen can be absorbed into the bloodstream. it is pumped all around your body to supply oxygen to cells and organs.
Can i get brainliest plz?
This is an opinion question, meaning that if you back it up well enough you can't be wrong
Pros to oceans-hydro power
- cleaner (aka better for the environment)
- long term sustainability
- less expensive in the long term
- initially more expensive
- more hydro turbines are required to offset the energy gained from 1 coal burning plant
- potentially harmful to (a very limited) marine ecosystem
Just pick a side and back it up.
Reptiles have scales, and their skin is dry. Amphibians do not, and their skin is often moist with mucus, which keeps them from drying up.