It is recommended: 0.8 g for every 1 kg of body weight ( at BMR - Basal Metabolic Rate or with a little exercise ):
1 kg ≈ 2.2 pounds
180 pounds : 2.2 = 81.82 kg
81.82 · 0.8 = 65.5 ≈ 66 g
66 g proteins are his daily needs ( remark: it is more if he is active in sports ).
The abdomen, because it would decline your heart's health. Storing fat in your abdomen could even cause certain cancers, diabetes, and it could cause a stroke so please take caution.
There are two types of drugs: Legal drugs are known as over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription (Rx) drugs. Alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine are all legal drugs as well.
Your white blood cells are produced in your bone marrow and attack germs to fight for your immune system.