Are bunchgrass because they form a kind of ecosystem within the prairie.
Sounds like juan has a hard life. LOL CYANIDE CAPSULES?
-PET scan
A PET scan uses radioactive markers in the blood to monitor blood flow and metabolic activity via x-ray
-A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that helps reveal how the tissues and organs are functioning. A PET scan uses a radioactive drug (tracer) to show this activity. This scan can sometimes detect disease before it shows up on other imaging tests.
-A PET scan is used to diagnose certain health conditions, to plan treatment, to find out how an existing condition is developing, and to see how effective a treatment is.
-In a PET scan, a machine detects radiation that is emitted by a radiotracer. A radiotracer consists of radioactive material that is tagged to a natural chemical, such as glucose.
Eruptions at shield volcanoes are only explosive if water somehow gets into the vent , otherwise they are characterized by low-explosivity fountaining that forms cinder cones and spatter cones at the vent, however, 90% of the volcano is lava rather than pyroclastic material.
Its A- A mutation causes cells to divide without stopping.