The type of wounds that are healing and the dressing that are being examined.
The distance between the given two loci is 20 mu. This means that the recombination frequency between these two loci is 20% and the heterozygote will form 20% recombinant gametes and rest 80% parental type gametes. Therefore, the heterozygous woman AB/ab will form a total of 20% recombinant gametes. The proportion of each recombinant gamete will be 20/2= 10%.
Gametes formed by the woman= 10% Ab, 10% aB, 40% AB, and 40% ab
Gametes formed by the man= All ab (since the man is homozygous for both loci).
Therefore, proportion of Ab/ab genotype= 10% Ab (female gamete) x ab (male gamete)= 10% Ab/ab