Las plantas están vivas; crecen, comen, se mueven y se reproducen.
Las plantas son organismos vivos porque pueden hacer algo que me gusta llamar HOMGARR. Las plantas pueden hacer homeostasis (regular sus células), tener organización (estructural) y metabolizar (a través de la fotosíntesis). Las plantas crecen, se adaptan, se reproducen y responden a estímulos como la luz solar y el tacto.
The correct answer is - C) Western Roman Emperor.
Flavius Romulus Augustulus, better known as just Romulus Augustulus, was a Roman Emperor that ruled for less than a year, between 31 October 475 AD and 4 September 476 AD. He is best known, and most often referred to as the ''last Western Roman Emperor'', though there are some debates about it between the historians.
The correct answer is social exclusion
Social Exclusion designates a process of removal and deprivation of certain individuals or social groups in different areas of the structure of society.
It is a condition inherent in contemporary capitalism, that is, this social problem was driven by the structure of this economic and political system.
Thus, people who have this social condition suffer from various prejudices. They are marginalized by society and prevented from freely exercising their rights as citizens.
Socially excluded people are usually ethnic, cultural and religious minorities. As examples, we have blacks, Indians, the elderly, the poor, homosexuals, drug addicts, unemployed people, people with disabilities, among others.
Note that these people or social groups suffer a lot of prejudice. This directly affects aspects of life, and in many cases creates another problem called "social isolation".
The answer is 88%
Unconscious is when one is not aware and not responding to the environment stimuli he or she is. According to the text book 88 percentage to the university students support or believed that painful experiences commonly forgotten of awareness and into the unconscious. This situation is called psychoanalysis where mental disorder are being treated by analyzing the relationship between the conscious and unconscious minds.
1. 1776
2. 1775
3. 1754
4. 1774
5. 1783
6. 1759
7. 1781
8. 1778
In order
3. The French and Indian War begins. 1754</h2><h2>
6. George Washington marries Martha Dandrige Custis. 1759</h2><h2>4. Washington represents Virginia at the First Continental Congress.
1774</h2><h2>2. Washington is elected commander in chief of the Continental Army. 1775</h2><h2>1. Washington and his troops remove the British from Boston. 1776</h2><h2>8. Martha visits George and the Continental Army during the terrible winter at Valley Forge. 1778</h2><h2>7. General Cornwallis surrenders to Washington at Yorktown. 1781</h2><h2>5. Washington returns home to Mount Vernon. 1783</h2>