The first important thing is pictures. Camera must be of good quality and pictures must be taken pretty closely. Pictures are crucial evidence as they can point to certain characteristics that were not previously seen. Any found object at the crime scene must be removed and transferred to the lab for the further observation and result in a full report. Then, a tool found at the crime scene, marks are created. All the evidence is then transferred to the lab.
I think that this statement means that you see the patients as something more than just something getting you to the paycheck. You actually care about the patients and want to do what’s right for them as well as giving them the best care.
Thank you so much you’re awesome!
The eMAR is a electronic medication administration record which includes the information about the number of medicines and drugs. The system is linked with a bluetooth wireless technology which links the institutional pharmacies to the nursing stations, hospitals and homes. It is useful in tracking, re-ordering medications, and residential care by availing medicines.
It includes the information about the medication dosage, medication type, patient refill history, number of refills and prescription status.