No, not at all because a cracker is not another human being. However if this person ate another human than that then is cannabis. In the case of cannabis e colour or race does not matter in the consumer nor the person being eaten.Now if there is human in the cracker(which does not happen) than it would make them a cannibal without them or others knowing.
You probably want to save as much money as you can, as $30,000 is not much for a growing family of four, so you'll probably choose the HMO. Even if your employer pays for you, the costs of PPO's tend to be higher, so the portion you will pay for the family will also be higher.
One caution: if you want to see a doctor that you like, be sure to check with that doctor's office to find out which health care network(s) they belong to. The HMO is set up to work with your primary care physician. Your kids are young, and will probably be going to the doctor a lot more than you can imagine-- ear aches, required immunization shots, coughs, colds, whatever they pass around from one kid to another.
Big benefit of HMO-- besides saving money: your primary care physician will get to know you and your family, and will understand your feelings and needs in your family.
Here's one more quote from the first source listed below: The Breakdown
HMOs and Fee-for-Service Plans are on opposite sides of your health insurance spectrum, while POS and PPO plans fall somewhere in between them. HMO’s offer the least freedom, followed in order by the POS, the PPO and Fee-for-Service plans. Cost-wise, an HMO is usually the least expensive option, followed by POS plans, PPO plans and finally Fee-for-Service Plans.
I'd say that I was sick, hurt myself accidentally, or say that you aren't comfortable in that kind of situation <span> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯</span>
Latent content
In Freud's psychoanalytic theory the disguised symbolic meaning of dreams is called the latent content.
Latent content can mean
1. The hidden or disguised meanings, wishes, and ideas beneath the manifest content of any utterance or other form of communication.
2. in psychoanalytic theory, the unconscious wishes seeking expression in dreams or fantasies.