Answer: To measure good health you can just take a good look at somebody.
Health education helps to be free from fatal disease because when we have suffered from any diseases then we should see some symptoms and from the symptoms we can know that what kind of diseases is it .Health education helps to know that what kind of disaseas is it an we should treatment ourselves.
hope this helps you luv
Use deep breathing
Recognize that you're having a panic attack
Close your eyes
Practice mindfulness
Find a focus object
Use muscle relaxation techniques
Picture your happy place
Engage in light exercise
Keep lavender on your hand
Repeat a mantra internally
Take benzodiazepines
3 Positive reinforcement is most effective when it occurs immediately after the behavior. Reinforcement should be presented enthusiastically and should occur frequently. Deliver reinforcement quickly: A shorter time between a behavior and positive reinforcement makes a stronger connection between the two