Displacement is the distance from the start point to the endpoint, displacement disregard the path taken or the amount traveled.
if you start at point A, then go to point B, and back to point A, the displacement is zero because you started and ended at the same point.
for this question, pretend you started at point A, went east 20 km to point B, and then west 8 km to point C, your displacement is 12 km. 12 km is the distance between point A and point C.
The ball will be attracted to the negatively charged plate. It'll touch and pick up some electrons from the plate so that the ball becomes negatively charged. Immediately the ball is repelled by the negative plate and is attracted to the positive plate. The ball gives up electrons to the positive plate so that it is positively charged and suddenly attracts to the negative plate again, flies over to it and picks up enough electrons to be repulsed by negative plate and again to the positive plate and that continues.
If the frequency of the motion of a simple harmonic oscillator is doubled , then maximum speed of the oscillator changes by the factor 2
We know that in a simple harmonic oscillator the maximum speed is given by
Here A is amplitude which is constant , so from above equation we see that maximum speed is directly proportional to
of the oscillation .
= 2
is the maximum speed when frequency is doubled .