<h2>Answer: electromagnetic spectrum
The electromagnetic spectrum is the set of electromagnetic radiations distributed in their different frequencies or wavelengths, which in turn are related to their energy.
If we go from the smallest wavelengths known up to now (because according to physics the electromagnetic spectrum is infinite and continuous) to the longest, the electromagnetic spectrum covers the following radiations:
Gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet, visible light (all the colors we are able to see), infrared, radio waves and microwaves.
Where those with shorter wavelength (or higher frequency) have more energy than those with a longer wavelength.
An isotope is an atom with a different number of neutrons than another atom of the same element. Since atoms of the same element all have the same number of protons, choice B(6pro &6neu vs. 6pro&7neu) is an example of isotopes
C 82.4 N sorry man if i am wrong but don't even think about reporting my answer
Speed of air = 1106.38 ft/s
Speed of sound in air with temperature

Here speed is in m/s and T is in celcius scale.
T = 50°F


Now we need to convert m/s in to ft/s.
1 m = 3.28 ft

Speed of air = 1106.38 ft/s
To increase the number of snowmen destroyed, you would want more energy and all of the above would increase the energy of the system so D.