1. You can invoke or call a method from another program or method: TRUE
2. When methods must share data, you can pass the data into and return the data out of methods: TRUE
3. A method could be called using any numeric value as an argument, whether it is a variable, a named constant, or a literal constant: TRUE
23 ,21,10,63,13
We have to convert binary to decimal
10111 corresponding decimal number is
10101 corresponding decimal number is
01010 corresponding decimal number is
111111 corresponding decimal number is
001111 corresponding decimal number is
The standard punch card (for computers) was invented and developed by Herman Hollerith. But the idea of punch cards was already long invented, used to control Jacquard looms.
Jacquard looms were looms that used punch cards to control the pattern a loom weaves.
The idea of punch cards in Jacquard looms also influenced Charles Babbage, who decided to use punched cards to control the sequence of computations in his proposed analytical engine. Unlike Hollerith's cards of 50 years later, which were handled in decks like playing cards, Babbage's punched cards were to be strung together.
Effective not effectove. These are guidelines:
Be brief.
Have a short opening sentence or paragraph that puts the matter in context.
Use the middle paragraph(s) to cover the matter(s) in hand.
Close with a clear agreement of what will be done, by whom, and by when.