b. the same data type
Any number of variables can be declared in a statement as long as the variables have the same data type. For example:
1) int a,b,c,d,e;
Here each of the declared variables a,b,c,d,e have the type int.
2) char p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w;
In this case variables p to w all have the type char.
3) float x,y,z;
x,y and z are all of type float.
Mean means most and the most he can get is the 10000 and the 2 1000s and the 1 dollar so the mean is 12001.
In python:
lst = ([])
largest = 0
while len(lst) != 6:
user_number = int(input("Enter a number: "))
for i in lst:
if i > largest:
largest = i
I hope this helps
Especially when you get them like sniffing flowers or wrestling with other dogs so true
Application software
There are two types of software: application software and systems software. Systems software focuses on managing the computer itself, like file managing applications, DOS, etc. Application software is for the users of the device. Examples include a media broadcaster, like Netflix, a video game, email services, and of course, word processor.
If you're looking for examples of word processing software, these include Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Pages, etc.