Estimated Guess so D because if there are more then 10 rabbits you do not want to count every single one. So you would look at how many five are and see how many groups look like about 5 and then guess from there. So an estimated guess would quickly and easily get you a decent amount close to counting them.
Hows that for an answer.
Astronomers have always assumed that Uranus must have been knocked onto its side by a collision. Now a new idea suggests that the planet's remarkable tilt could have another explanation.
I just know it
I believe it’s lactic acid fermentation! hope this helps
One of the first key terms she memorizes is neurotransmitters because these are the chemicals via which neurons communicate with each other.
-Neurons communicate with each other via electrical events called 'action potentials' and chemical neurotransmitters. At the junction between two neurons (synapse), an action potential causes neuron A to release a chemical neurotransmitter.
-Neurons are connected to each other through synapses, sites where signals are transmitted in the form of chemical messengers.
The negative and positive sides of water molecules are attracted to each other and cause water to be attracted together and stick together.
This is called cohesion, when molecules of the same type stick together.