The answer is true.
Corporate social responsibility refers to the practice of considering the positive impact of an organization towards stakeholders- including employees and interested persons- and society at large. For example, a company that gives adequate pay to its employees- economic efficiency- and also offers organic products- which help maintain a healthy society- is a company that practices CSR, which is evidenced by its economic and social consequences.
Tracked: sorting tracks students creating inequality between students and their access.
Sorting creates high, middle, and low groups which each getting different educational experiences. The high will receive college ready skills whereas the low tend to be tracked for vocational work.
Europe never had the unity it used to - the kind of unity China had because of geographic barriers, ethnic linguistic diversity, & shifting balances of power. Could not unite into Roman Empire. Rise to frequent wars, enhanced role of status of military men, and drove "gunpowder revolution."
Aqueduct water supplied public baths, latrines, fountains, and private households; it also supported mining operations, milling, farms, and gardens.
Because they provide a predictable income