Humans are social creatures.without being around others we cannot really function, science has proven that humans learn off of other humans we mimc they're behaviors and actions.Without friends and other social activities then we wouldn't be able to act accordingly basically like robots we would have trouble functioning.
Answer:The best response is to make sure that she stays okay and get a lot of vitamins.--In my opinion
You should stop and stretch or walk around, just cool off and loosen your muscles. If you are lifting weights and you feel pain, then maybe the weight is to heavy.
If you are training resistance, then you should be lifting at two second per lift, while slowly lowering over time. This is the most efficient way to build resistance.
Observers said the heart rate returned to normal after one defibrillation.
Getting early access to automated external defibrillation ( AED ).
But about 23 percent survive with early defibrillation and CPR combined.
In addition, there is increasing use of public access defibrillation.