The answer to this question is "15 line".
A function is a block of ordered, portable code used to perform a single, connected operation. The syntax of function declaration can be given as:
Syntax :
returntype functionName(parameter1, parameter2); //function prototype
or declaration
returntype functionName(parameter1, parameter2) //function definition or header of the function
//function body.
//function implementation
//return value;
In the given question the header of the showDub function is on line 15.
That's why the answer to this question is "15 line".
Websphere Studio Application Developer
The script that Andy would want to use is Javascript, here is the source code: document.getElementById("para1").innerHTML = formatAMPM();
function formatAMPM() {var d = new Date(), minutes = d.getMinutes().toString().length == 1 ? '0'+d.getMinutes() : d.getMinutes(), hours = d.getHours().toString().length == 1 ? '0'+d.getHours() : d.getHours(), ampm = d.getHours() >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am', months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'], days = ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'];return days[d.getDay()]+' '+months[d.getMonth()]+' '+d.getDate()+' '+d.getFullYear()+' '+hours+':'+minutes+ampm;<span>}
The HTML code needed to call this Javascript on his website is this: </span><span><div id="para1"></div>
You could call the Javascript up using PHP.
Hope this helps! Good luck! :)
Aggregate Function
The aggregate function returns the single value of the entire column of the database management system. The Aggregate Function is used in the SELECT statement and the GROUP BY clause.
The sum(),avg(), etc are some examples of Aggregate Function in the database with the help of aggregate function bobby gains the access to information above the usual clearance point. and summarizes the data.